Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

How to Strategize Your Career

When people lose their job—their livelihood—the trauma can be so overwhelming that they are compelled to immediately find a new job - no matter what. They may launch into a frenzy of activity, applying for a myriad of jobs. This flurry of activity may release some of the stress of their situation and help them feel better for awhile. However, if their work doesn't produce any results (no phone calls, no interviews), then eventually the panic dies down, exhaustion sets in, and they are left wondering what to do next.

Sometimes, especially with all the negative news about employment, unemployed persons become so discouraged that they become perilized. Nothing gets done and their paralysis makes them feel even worse. Their friends and family may not understand and the unemployed may feel judgement and disapproval.

Regardless of your situation, having a strategy is critical today, more than ever. SInce the time to employment has extended to over 10 months, and even to two years, for many people, a strategy for the long term is critical. Further, today in the U.S. a person is likely to change jobs every four to five years. This increases the necessity of thinking long-term on how to manage the present as well as the future.

How to strategize your career:

Identify positions where you would like to be in 8-10 years. You should have between three to five choices.
These positions should be satisfying, sustainable and meet your financial needs. These positions should be a reasonable choice based on your background, education, skills and experience.
Identify employment possibilities that would position you for these jobs. These positions are your target goals in the next 4 to 5 years.
Now identify employment possibilities that would position you for those second tier jobs. These are possibilities for your current job search.
Refer to your plan every six months, make alterations as needed to remain flexible and viable for your next position. Identify training and certifications that your employer may be willing to pay for to increase your value to your current company.
Consider working with a professional career strategist.
Industries are changing very quickly. A good career strategist should have insights to ensure that the positions you choose are likely to be around in the next decade.They should also be aware of hiring schedules and help you prioritize your search to minimize your time to employment and maximize the effectiveness of your job search.
This process brings options with regard to current opportunities. It allows for flexibility within industries as these industries change. Finding a job today is a long term project. Stamina, support from family and friends, pacing yourself emotionally, and managing your financial resources are critical to your success.

Next steps:
Once you have a career strategy in place, you are ready to Plan Your Job Search.
Read the Forward Motion Blog: Ernest Answers, to find hope and encouragement during your search. The blog is published one each week.

Consider a Forward Motion Differentiation Workshop, where you will learn how to navigate the online application systems and yourself both through your résumé and in your interview.

[ Maria LaReau ]

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